Dagens - direct trade between food producers and hotels, restaurants and cafés.

Stian Lind Petlund
Hafdis Sunna Hermannsdottir
Kristina Alme Gardli
Gaute Vindegg
Maximo Graesse
Joint startup with Iterate
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What problem are you solving?

The food supply chain is dominated by a few gatekeepers with highly centralised market power, preventing food producers and buyers to trade directly and thereby be in control.

What is new/unique about your idea?

Dagens is disrupting the food industry by building a new supply chain. We coordinate flow of information and goods, but don’t own anything but the digital infrastructure.

How will the world be different because you exist?

Dagens makes trading of diverse and independent food production
economically sustainable - which is key for maintaining a resilient food system and a healthy planet.

How did your team form?

Maximo and Sunna met in previous startup, Foodmrkt. Kristina and Stian came onboard at a later stage - we met them through common food and sustainability passion.

What has been most helpful about being part of the startup studio?

1. The Space -  where we can make a "war room" (See sprint book), and that is centrally located and very close to our customers.

2. Access to passionate people and fullstack team that could kick off the first prototype. Big creds to Jonas and Anders that believe in the power of food in life.

3. Iterate people - grounded and competent - no startup hysteria.

What do you enjoy the most about the environment at Iterate Startup Studio?

1. Open and experimental. Example: We are allowed to have our "varelager" on the top floor.

2. "We are in it together" mindset. Example: Rune, Kim and Anders pulled us out of the dark in January when lack of funding was killing us.
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